Andreas Lardos, PhD


Scientific Associate of the Phytopharmacy and Natural Product Research Group, ZHAW Wädenswil

Visiting lecturer in ethnobotany and ethnomedicine, Institute for Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, University of Zurich

Freelance scientist, consultant, ethnobotanical tour guide


  • Burkhard III from Hallwyl (1535-1598) and his „pharmacopeia for the poor“. Interdisciplinary research project in ethnopharmacy and history by Pro Thesauro Sanitatis.
  • Herbal materia medica in influential medieval texts of the Byzantine, Islamic-Arabic and Latin traditions of the Mediterranean area.
  • Fotoessay: iatrosophia Texte und Pflanzenverwendungen in den Klöstern Zyperns

Research interest

  • Ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology
  • Historical herbal texts
  • Phamacognosy
  • Phytotherapy
  • Natural product drug discovery

Geographical area

Europe, Mediterranean area, Switzerland


  • PhD in ethnopharmacology (UCL School of Pharmacy, University of London)
  • Studies in biology, diploma in botany (University of Zürich)
  • Medicinal plant expert (FVDH certified), Heilpflanzenschule Freiburg

Professional experience

  • Historical herbal text in ethnopharmacological research
  • Knowledge transmission in ethnobotany
  • Research and development in the phytopharmaceutical industry
  • Sourcing and supply chain management of herbal raw material
  • Biodiversity access and benefit sharing in research and development
  • Pharmacognosy of herbal drugs
  • Ethnobotanical field studies

Selected publications

Heinrich, M., Lardos, A., Leonti, M., Weckerle, C., Willcox, M. (2018, Epub 2017).
Best practice in research: Consensus Statement on Ethnopharmacological Field Studies – ConsEFS.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 211, 329-339.

Lardos, A. (2015).
Historical Approaches in Ethnopharmacology.
In: Heinrich, M., Jäger, A. (eds.) Ethnopharmacology – A Reader. Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

Lardos, A., Heinrich, M. (2013).
Continuity and change in medicinal plant knowledge: The example of monasteries on Cyprus and historical iatrosophia texts.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 150, 202-214.

Lardos, A., Prieto-Garcia, J., Heinrich, M. (2011).
Resins and gums in historical iatrosophia texts from Cyprus – a botanical and medico-pharmacological approach.
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2:32.

Yöney, A., Prieto-Garcia, J., Lardos, A., Heinrich, M. (2010).
Ethnopharmacy of Turkish-speaking Cypriots in greater London.
Phytotherapy Research, 24: 731–740.

Lardos, A. (2006).
The botanical materia medica of the Iatrosophikon – a collection of prescriptions from a monastery in Cyprus.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 104, 387-406.

Lardos, A., Schmidlin, C.B., Fischer, M., Ferlas-Chlodny, E., Loniewski, I., Samochowiec, L., Musial, H.D. (2004).
Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit eines wässrig-ausgezogenen Weidenrindenextraktes bei Patienten mit Knie- und Hüftarthrose.
Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 25(6):272-279.


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