Ethnobiology in Switzerland – A Network

The Swiss Ethnobiology Network was founded on December 2, 2007 in Lucerne. On January 31, 2009 the first symposium of the network took place in Zurich. Subsequent to the symposium the informal network has been constituted as an association.

We are organized into a board and various working groups. The working groups are responsible for organizing the yearly symposium, our network excursions, and awarding the annual study prize for the best undergraduate work in ethnobiology.


Morris Keller
Giorgia Tresca
Camille Brioschi
Nina Vahekeni
Franz Huber
Board member
Jonas Stehlin
Student representative
Tahereh Maleki
Student representative


Bilkis Heneka
Frank Gafner

Working Groups

Student Prize

Tahereh Maleki
Member Working Group
Franz Huber
Member Working Group
Morris Keller
Member Working Group
Jonas Stehlin
Lead Working Group
Frank Gafner
Lead Working Group


Giorgia Tresca
Member Working Group
Morris Keller
Lead Working Group


Honorary Members

Michael Heinrich Prof. Dr. Dozent, Forschungsgruppenleiter, PhD Supervisor, Editor in Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology, and more.
Lieselotte Kuntner (†) Dipl. Physiotherapeutin / Ethnologin
Philipp Küpfer Prof. Hon. Dozent, MSc Supervisor, Former director of the laboratory for evolunionary botany and the herbaria, and more.

Please find here important documents of the association:

Bylaws Swiss Ethnobiology Network.pdf 55 KB
Minutes of the founding meeting.pdf 12 KB
Rules of procedure of the general assembly.pdf 69 KB